Saturday, August 14, 2010

How To Get On One Thing In School Computers

Seifentag Milena

W hen there are two crazy soap together, the day flies by. Upon stirring, pouring and serving.

A t the end comes out something like (the other half at Milena ):

M a first funnel soap.

I love it! Each piece - unique!

and caring with babassu, shea, cocoa, almond and olive oil for about 13% fat. The rest of the soap batter we have poured into the heart ramekins.

B adebomben.

K aum to believe, but I've never done that. Somehow never happened. But it is so easy and the result - just great!

A ufgeschlagene shea butter. A luxury for your skin!

W hipped Soap. Also my first. I could not resist the temptation and do have a piece thrown into the water. The soap is not under! It floats on the water surface - so light it is.

B adepralinen - we have experimented with SLSA.

oh, I tell you - it was a beautiful day! And there is still a Seifchen would have been if I had not forgotten to order liquor. But we still get to.

Review Beretta 687 G S

U nd here two boiled with Jenja soaps, both - "The old ones in new look".
G reen tea

and Z itrusfrüchtchen

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Motorola Phone Tools 4.2.1a Rar

B eim Browse bloggers in the country I landed several clicks Gaby's Heart Pillow blog. What did I read was all new to me and moved me very deeply. It's about heart-shaped pillows, which are designed for women with breast cancer . worn under the arm, the cushion eases postoperative pain.

M a first four pillow cases I brought to the post on Monday.

would like to participate
W it in this campaign also, more information and the pattern you get HERE and HERE .

Monday, August 9, 2010

How Long Does An Open Relaxer Last/

Visitors' new soap

D daughter of my friend from Russia, he was with us for a visit. It is as old as my great and just as a craft crazy as me. Time went by quickly. We were traveling a lot - they wanted to see as much as possible, including time spent in the basement soap. D as result - see for yourself

"The Apples"

D he stamps were also Jenjas help, we have made extra for this soap.


'enjoyment of tea "in the new look.

Here in the middle of the colorful "orchard" - Seifchen.

D iesmal - bath melts, the foam,

but not for human consumption suitable!

E ssbare chocolates we have made.

U nd lip balm poured - one (woman) can make good use of the cold Siberian winter.
E in (large) part soaps flown to Russia. I have already received positive feedback! I am very happy! There was also a pleasure, experience and enthusiasm to share with someone who can really interested and enthusiastic about it and so pleased at the result. It also has a positive effect on my big kid - he has some time with us in the soap Keller spent (albeit usually with a skeptical view) - he offered me to build a soap cutter for me!
My child, I hope I get it in the foreseeable future.